Council adopts Delivery Program and Operational Plan

Published on 28 June 2024

Staff Yalawanyi Ganya 1-11-22 (72).JPG

MidCoast Council has adopted its annual work program, budget, fees and charges, and annual rates at this week’s ordinary Council meeting.

For the annual rates, Council applied the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal’s 5.2% increase in order to take into account factors such as the increase in costs of materials and contracts.

“It’s always a hard decision for Councillors because we understand the difficulties imposed by increased rates and charges,” said Mayor Claire Pontin.

“The increase in rates is not for expanded or new services. It is to cover the increased costs of existing services. The only alternative course of action would have been to reduce services.”

Many fees and charges have also gone up, especially where the charge is set to recover 100% of the costs and can’t be subsidised by rates.

Mayor Pontin explained that Council is also working to reduce its costs through improved business efficiencies and examining all areas of discretionary spending.

The draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan, along with associated budgets, fees and charges, and revenue statement were on public exhibition from 6 May to 9 June 2024, with the community invited to make submissions. Council received 61 submissions, including two petitions during the period.

Council responded to these submissions by reducing some of its fees and charges for 2024-25.

You can view the minutes of the 26 June ordinary Council meeting, along with attachments at