All development applications and the majority of post consent certificates must now be submitted through the NSW Planning Portal.
Once you have development consent for building work, you will need to obtain a Construction Certificate before work can start.
Find out more information about home building laws and how to become an owner builder.
Thinking about renovating your home? There are a few things to know before you start.
Find out more information about building fire safety, fire safety certificates and annual fire safety statements.
If you are not connected to our sewage system you will need an onsite system to deal with your wastewater. Find out about your responsibilities.
Make an application to access neighbouring property info. Used to facilitate a dividing fence or notification of work being carried out.
Midcoast Council requires the payment of a damage bond for certain development types.
Find out more information about swimming pool compliance and safety requirements.
Erosion and sediment control involves using methods like barriers, mulch, and water systems to prevent soil loss and keep sediment from polluting nearby environments.