Planning Agreements

Planning Agreements are a tool that allows planning authorities and developers to work together to deliver innovative infrastructure outcomes. Planning Agreements can be negotiated at both the local and State Government level. They are a legal agreement between a developer and a planning authority. Planning Agreements are usually associated with a proposal to change the zone of a property or a proposal to redevelop a site, and are used for the provision of infrastructure to support communities.

Planning Agreement Policy and Guidelines

The Planning Agreement Policy will ensure that a consistent, transparent and risk-based approach is applied to the negotiation and management of planning agreements in the MidCoast. The Policy formalises Council’s approach to negotiating and managing planning agreements, and will be supported by the Planning Agreement Guidelines(PDF, 565KB). The purpose of the Guidelines is to provide a consistent approach and guidance for Council staff in relation to planning agreements, and to assist developers and the broader community in understanding Council’s approach to planning agreements.

Planning Agreement Register

If you are purchasing land covered by a Planning Agreement it is important to understand how this may affect you. Below is a list of the register of Planning Agreements that have been negotiated for the MidCoast.

Manning Region

Great Lakes Region

Gloucester Region

Planning Agreements were preceded by Deeds of Agreement between landowners and Council and served the same function. These were not created under planning legislation and as such do not form part of the above register, but would be noted on the title of the land.