Have your say on the draft Koala Conservation Strategy
Published on 25 March 2024
MidCoast Council’s draft Koala Conservation Strategy is on public exhibition from Monday 25 March to Monday 6 May.
The draft strategy will guide coordinated management actions for koala recovery and conservation on public and private land.
“We are seeking community feedback on this important draft strategy,” said Council’s Natural Systems Manager, Gerard Tuckerman.
“It will also help guide Council’s koala conservation program, Koala Safe Spaces, which is funded by the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.”
The draft strategy reflects the results of the initial community consultation held between 27 November 2023 and 11 February 2024. It is also informed by koala sightings, habitat mapping, and applied scientific knowledge.
Members of the community can view the draft strategy, habitat maps, and engagement report online or at a MidCoast Council Customer Service Point or Library.
Provide your feedback at haveyoursay.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/koala-strategy until Monday 6 May.
Once the exhibition period is complete, community feedback will be reviewed and the strategy will be finalised. The strategy will then be presented to Council for adoption.