Our offices and customer service points will be closed on Monday 7 October for Labour Day.Waste collection services will continue as normal and our Visitor Information Centres will be open as normal.
Published on 02 November 2023
Join author Lindsay Gething at a free event as she shares early day stories from local residents and visitors to Black Head and Hallidays Point.
“We love to give our community the opportunity to meet authors and connect with other readers,” said Alex Mills, MidCoast Council’s Manager Libraries, Community and Cultural Services.
“This event also gives the Hallidays Point community the chance to learn more about the history of the beautiful place they call home,” said Alex.
Join Lindsay at:
Hallidays Point Library on Tuesday 21 November from 2.30pm to 3.30pm.
Forster Library at the Civic Centre on Thursday 23 November from 3pm to 4pm.
Light refreshments will be provided. Copies of the book will be for sale at the event. Bookings essential: www.midcoastlibraries.com.au/events